Sunday, December 29, 2019

Subject of Family in Lessing’s Flight, Hughes’ Mother to...

Subject of Family in Lessing’s Flight, Hughes’ Mother to Son, Kincaids Girl and Adrienne Richs Poem, Merced Family as defined by Webster’s College Dictionary can be one of many different people. Family can be your parents, spouse, children, brother, sister, grandmother, uncle, any blood relative, or even people who are not blood related that share that common bond (Webster 475). My definition of family is similar to Webster’s, but I feel that there is more to it than just being a blood relative or close friend. A person’s actions, beliefs, and morals play a major role in deciding who makes it into that â€Å"family† group. Family becomes more of an idea or feeling, like love or hate, than just who a person is or where they fall in†¦show more content†¦There are four different relationships portrayed in this writing. There is the granddaughter and grandfather, father and daughter, mother and daughter, and a new bond between the granddaughter, Lucy, and her beau, Steve. Although there is definite conflict between the grandfather and both his grandda ughter and his daughter, you can still see the elements of â€Å"family† portrayed in their actions and beliefs. The granddaughter is ready to break free from her current main family and start a new family of her own. This causes her grandfather to resent her, possibly due to the â€Å"empty nest† feeling since she is the last one to leave the house and be married. This can be seen when he says to his daughter, â€Å"’She’s the last. Can’t we keep her a bit longer?’† (Lessing 20). This shows the strong love necessary to have that true family in a household. The mother knows that another step in her job is done and that it is time to let go. The daughter is showing her defiance and desire to be a grown woman, to take that next step in her life. Although she is bitter with her grandfather in the beginning of the story, she shows her true love for her grandfather when the story portrays her crying as the grandfather finally lets go, perhaps not wanting to be let go – the releasing of his birds is a metaphor for the releasing of his granddaughter to the world (Lessing 20-21). Steven shows his wanting of acceptance by Lucy’s

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Causes of Juvenile Delinquency and Crime Essay

The social environment of teens holds an enormous influence on how the teens act and behave. Teens are easily influenced by their surroundings and they look to others for guidance. Their behavior results from that of the parent and peer influences. Parents play a particularly influential role in their child’s life and it is up to them to make sure that they are leading their sons or daughters in the right directions. A teen’s peers also play a large role in how the teen behaves when the parents are not around. A teen’s social environment, consisting of family and peers, plays a vital role in their life, therefore becoming the ultimate cause of juvenile delinquency. A finding that emerges very strongly and consistently is that delinquents†¦show more content†¦Teen delinquency can also arise when a teen’s parent is incarcerated. Teens that have a parent in prison are affected emotionally, behaviorally and psychologically (Johnson 461). The incarceration of a parent can gravely affect an individual because the parent is not prevalent throughout the teen’s life. The teen then becomes angry and acts out because they have so much emotional pain bottled up inside. â€Å"The children of incarcerated parents are at a high risk for a number of negative behaviors that can lead to school failure, delinquency, and intergenerational incarceration† (Simmons 10). Teens with incarcerated parents lack the assistance of parental figures. In True Notebooks, Sister Janet says that the incarcerated teens never had anyone to lead them in the right path or show that adults care about them. She says that because of the lack of direction t he teens never had the opportunity to do better for themselves (Salzman 26). There is also a major cycle that exists between incarcerated parents and their children that puts these teens at risk. On April 10th of 2008, a conference at Bryant University was held to discuss the concerning issues of teens with incarcerated parents. During the conference, Patricia Martinez, director of the Rhode Island Department of Children: Youth and families stated that â€Å"We want to break the cycle of intergenerational crime. I have heard of so many caseloads managing 18-year-olds who had a parentShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquency And The Social Control Theory940 Words   |  4 PagesJuvenile delinquency is very prevalent especially among adolescents because studies have shown that during the time of adolescence that is when delinquency tends to increase and once adolescence has passed at about 17 years of age then it tends to decrease (Adolescent Delinquency, 2002). 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New statistics give an alarming picture: juvenil e delinquency is higher as never before. According to the census bureau, in 2008 there were 1,653,000 recorded delinquent offenses in the United States. This is a 23.6% increase from 1990 when 1,337,000 delinquent offenses occurred. Today, a lot of people demand lowering the age of criminal responsibility and draconian penalties (JensonRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Is A Crime967 Words   |  4 PagesJuvenile Delinquency is a crime categorize mainly based on age. Juvenile delinquency the definition under the criminal law it generally refers to behavior which shall be subject to criminal penalties for people age under 18 being implemented. Juvenile delinquency is an increasingly common social problem facing the U.S currently. The problem of juvenile delinquency is also very prominent, and the severity of their crimes have been gaining awareness of the whole society. 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Understanding the environmental causes of juvenile delinquency allows society to better protect children from becoming offenders. This then can reduce the number of juvenile delinquents in the United States. KeyRead MoreFactors That Cause The Increase Rate Of Ju venile Delinquency Essay1666 Words   |  7 Pagesthat cause the increase rate of Juvenile delinquencies. A survey research design will be used. Simple random sampling technique will be used while questionnaire and interview schedule will be necessary data collection instruments. This project will use the findings to know how to reduce the increasing rates of juvenile delinquency and also how to improve the current juvenile institutions available in order to be more productive. Juvenile Delinquency Introduction Juvenile delinquencyRead More Preventing Juvenile Delinquency Essay1386 Words   |  6 PagesPreventing Juvenile Delinquency The saying is that history often repeats itself. If this is true then society will have to deal with the complex burden of juvenile who eventually become adult criminals. However, if this saying is not true then the community in which juvenile delinquency exist must have the tool necessary to divert the youth in the community. If one is to change delinquent youth’s behavior, they need to variegate the justice system in order to prevent juvenile delinquent recidivisms

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Electronic Gadgets free essay sample

Nowadays, we can easily get a mobile phone at a cheap and affordable price. Having a cellphone will ease the user to communicate and the Ministry of Education is considering to allow students to bring their electronics gadgets to school. As a discipline teacher from SMAPK , I think that there are pros and cons in order to allow this new rule in the school. Firstly, having a cellphone will ease the communication between the teachers and the students. If the teacher is absent, the students can easily ask other teachers to teach them during the free period Thus the students will make full use of their time with lessons instead of wasting time. In addition, using electronic gadgets such as i-pad, smart phone or android phone can increase the students knowledge about ICT. The students can learn from e-book , the internet or educational softwares . There are a lot of educational sources from the internet. We will write a custom essay sample on Electronic Gadgets or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore, teachers can variate their teaching by using the gadgets too in order to expose the students about technology. For instance, teacher can introduce Geometers Sketch Pad while teaching Mathematics for the Transformations to the students. Instead of using graph paper, students can use this software to learn this topic. Apart from that, using electronic gadgets at school will reduce the usage of paper . School uses hundred stacks of paper every year for the students work sheet. This will harm the environment. Therefore, using laptop and i-pad can overcome this problem and be more environmental friendly. However, approving this rule may be dangerous as well as it may increase the percentage of juvenile crimes in school. Beating the juniors just to get their i-phone, stealing friends laptop and torturing the students in order to obtain their gadgets may happen because todays youngsters can be out of  controlled if they are not trained with disciplines. These cases will burden me as the schools discipline teacher. Handling the youngsters are not as easy as ABC but it requires tons of patience. In a nutshell , I personally disagree with the new rule as it may cause a lot of juvenile cases in the future among the students. Even though there are some advantages in bringing electronics gadgets to school, the cons are even contagious. Therefore, as prevention is better then cure, the Ministry of Education should reconsider of approving this rule.