Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pros And Cons Of Animal Cloning - 1277 Words

Animal Cloning Applications and Morality Concerns One fateful afternoon, a father discovers that their beloved pet kitten is deceased on the side of the roadway. The parents are worried about telling their children the sad news because they will be devastated. Luckily, the parents reach out to a company that offers animal cloning. With just a sample of the kitten’s DNA, they can produce an exact match and an identical copy that will soon replace their lost family pet. While this story demonstrates one practical use of animal cloning, there are many other reasons why animal cloning is beneficial. Larisa Rudenko, Ph.D., states that clones are genetic copies of an animal, similar to identical twins that are born at different times†¦show more content†¦This is not the only example of why cloning transgenic animals is important. Transgenic animals can also be used to produce pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and xenotransplant organs that can be used in humans (Smith 4). There are hundreds of thousands of people waiti ng for an organ transplant in the United States. If more transgenic animals were created, the dependency on human donors would be reduced. Another benefit of cloning is that extinct or endangered species could be brought back to past populations levels. For example, dinosaurs could be revived. According to Genetics Science Learning Center at the University of Utah, all scientists would need is â€Å"a well-preserved source of DNA from the extinct dinosaur, and a closely related species, currently living, that could serve as an egg donor and surrogate mother† ((((Why Clone Article citation). The movie Jurassic Park could become a reality. Zoos could be filled with previously-extinct species, never seen before. Although the science is not perfect, scientists have already tried to bring an extinct goat back to existence. In 2009, a wild mountain goat, called a burcardo, was created using goats as egg donors, but the clones died soon after birth ((((Why Clone Article citation). Bringing an animal back from extinction is difficult, but cloning endangered species is much easier. According to the University of Utah, living cloning is easier because the survivingShow MoreRelatedAmazed by Cloning1544 Words   |  6 PagesCloning is an amazing complex thing! In this paper a person will learn some basic cloning information, the history of cloning, good and bad things about cloning, human cloning, and bringing back endangered species with the use of cloning. Information includes the processes and some animals that have been cloned. The history includes the different cloning achievements starting with the first artificial twin. The good and bad parts will of course talk about the pros and cons of cloning. 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