Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Research Essay Youth - Identity and Digital Media

Question: Write about theResearch Essayfor Youth, Identity and Digital Media. Answer: Introduction This study is based on the difference between the use of mobile phone in public space and in private space and its negative impact. The use of mobile phone has injected itself into the public places. Due to this the line between the public and private space has been blurred out. Now days the common part of background noise during picnics, bus rides, sidewalk strolls, grocery shopping excursions, waits in airport terminals and other venues. To note the response of these changes, views of different people were asked regarding general mobile phone etiquette in public. In this process around 10 people were interviewed to identify the difference between the use of cell phone in public and in private space and to know the disadvantages of excessive use of mobile phone. Different questions were asked to support the survey. Research Questions How can Purchase of Mobile Phone be Affected? We all know that cell phones have diverse use according to their necessities. The usage of mobile phone has taken a sudden increase in recent years, various factors are considered while taking decision of purchasing a new cell phone (Don 2008). The result of the survey showed that the important factors that influence purchases are pricing, size and weight, charging and operating facilities, recommendations from friends and colleagues, recommendation from neighbours and through advertising (Sherry 2011). How has the Concept of Friendship been Altered by Social Media? Yes, it is true that the concept of friendship has been changed due to the influence of social media. People start thinking their social media friends to be their true friends and forget the value of real life friends (Richard 2010). They have forgotten the rules of friendship. It is said that social media is that type of new platform which facilitates communication expansion and accelerates the process to connect and engage different people. To make real friends, one should always know the person well, and also develops and understanding regarding the likes and dislikes of that person. It is not the fault of social media but the blame is put to the wide net of connections (David 2008). Social media is responsible to change the ways of interaction, but still the rooted norms remains unaffected. Adjustments should be done to build relationships in the new phase of platform. What are the Consequences of Excessive use of Mobile Phones in Public Space? During the survey it was found out that excessive use of cell phones is responsible to kill face-to-face interactions between people (Glaser 2007). It is unfortunate to know that the real life interactions are considered to be less effective and more time is given to solve the issues by making discussions on cell phones through conversations, instant messaging, and texting and through face book mails. This happens especially in case of young people. How do Mobile Phone users Engage in Developing their Personality Online and in What ways it Reflects the Reality? When an individual engages in developing his/her personality online, the understanding and formation of own identity gets highly affected. The main purpose of this research is to bring into notice the effects of excessive use of social media and its influence (Nicholas, 2010). Youth forgets the value of real life and real relationships and simply keeps their focus on how to make their personality strong online to attract more people and make more friends. Sample and Methodology This study was conducted to know the degree of influence that the use of mobile phone can bring. Around ten interviews were conducted. The main focus was to target the youth of Singapore to know their habits and criteria for excessive use of cell phones in public (Ritter, Gordon and Elizabeth 2014). Not only youth but people between the age group of 30-50 were also contacted to know their opinion towards the use of mobile phone and its influence in the real life. Direct interview was conducted and their opinions were noted down so that a clear conclusion can be dropped in this report. Data were collected from different people in Singapore maintaining equal ratios in relation to female, male employees, students and businessmen. Findings and Analysis From the above research study it is clear that in recent years the usage of mobile phones has increased a lot and it is affecting badly the real life of the youth. The use of mobile phone in middle of a conversation when two or more people are talking gives a negative impression. (Lizette 2013). The frequent use of mobile phone can bring negative effects to the health of the user. Constant ringing, reminders and vibrations can put a user on edge. It can also cause risk of illness in the users immune system (Ling, Wonil and Gavriel 2007). The oily residue or greasy substance on the mobile phone can cause severe disease as it contains disease prone germs (Thome, Annika and Mats 2011). Staring at the screen of cell phone constantly can cause vision problem as well. Conclusion We can conclude by saying that mobile phones have changed our world. People start using their phone in leisure hours, business, school, etc. People rely on them for many things, such as, conference calls, video calls, etc. There is no doubt that emergence of advanced features in mobile phone has bought many technological advancements but we cannot ignore the fact that is its bringing negative impact in the real life of the users. The users should limit the use of cell phones to ensure a healthy life. From the research conducted it was developed that youth makes more usage of mobile phones and they should know its negative impact that could be dangerous to their life, career and future. The use of mobile phone should be banned in public places to create a sense of comfort and healthy environment for all to survive. References David, Buckingham. (2008). Youth, identity and digital media. MIT Press. Don, Tapscott. (2008). Grown Up Digital: How the Net generation is changing your world. McGraw Hill Professional. Ling, Chen, Wonil Hwang, and Gavriel Salvendy. (2007). "A survey of what customers want in a cell phone design."Behaviour Information Technology26, no. 2: 149-163. Lizette, Borreli. (2013). 5 Reasons Why Cellphones Are Bad For Your Health. Medicaldaily.com. Retrieved 16th November 2016 from https://www.medicaldaily.com/5-reasons-why-cellphones-are-bad-your-health-247624 Mark, Glaser. (2007). How Cell Phones are killing face-to-face interactions. Mediashift.org.Retrieved 16th November 2016 from https://mediashift.org/2007/10/how-cell-phones-are-killing-face-to-face-interactions295 Nicholas, Carr. (2010). The Shallows: How the internet is changing the way we think, read and remebmber. Atlantic Books. Richard ,Watson. ( 2010). Future Minds: How the digital age is changoong our minds, why this matters and what we can do about it. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Ritter, Frank E., Gordon D. Baxter, and Elizabeth F. Churchill. (2014). "Anthropometrics: Important Aspects of Users Bodies." InFoundations for Designing User-Centered Systems, pp. 57-80. Springer London, Sherry, Turkle. (2011). Alone Together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other. Readhowyouwant.com. Thome, Sara, Annika Hrenstam, and Mats Hagberg. (2011). "Mobile phone use and stress, sleep disturbances, and symptoms of depression among young adults-a prospective cohort study."BMC public health11, no. 1.

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